げーむ すたーと - "Начать игру"
ろーど - "Загрузить"
Как играть:
Чтобы преуспеть в игре, вы должны для начала убедить 20 персонажей стать вашими поддаными. Методы и способы убеждения каждого персонажа могут быть разными. Для некоторых из них сила вашего убеждения будет очевидна только путем победы над ними в битве, другим потребуются дары и подношения. Вы можете использовать опцию "разговор", чтобы понять какой ключик нужно подобрать для каждого из персонажей.
После рекрутирования персонажа, он или она могут покинуть вас, если уровень их Лояльности (ちゅうせいしん) упадет до критического. Лояльность можно повысить, подкупая персонажа деньгами. Если Лояльность персонажа 51 и выше, они не покинут вас. Тем не менее риск остается, т.к. их могут переманить другие персонажи (например, путем нанесения им поражения).
Вы можете собирать оружие и броню, чтобы повысить ваши характеристики, чтобы выигрывать последующие битвы. Вы можете добывать еду, чтобы повышать вашу Силу (ちから). Если ваша Сила скатится до нуля, ваша игра будет закончена. Изменения сезонов в игре имеет влияние на персонажей и окружающую действительность в игре. Во время весны будет появляться еда, во время зимы непогода может влиять на характеристики персонажей в отрицательную сторону.
После привлечения 20 поданных, вам нужно будет собрать 3 свитка, которые появятся в игре позднее. Соберите их, станьте сёгуном и выиграйте!
Если вы начинаете новую игру, вам нужно выбрать каким из персонажей вы будете играть, всего 40 вариантов. Нажмите влево или вправо для переключения персонажей, затем нажмите кнопку "A", чтобы выбрать персонаж
Основное экранное меню
В верхнем окне, верхняя строка сообщает о годе (15##ねん = "Year 15##"), месяц (#がつ = #th month), и сезон.
Сезоны: ふゆ - зима, はる - весна, なつ - лето, あき - осень
Ниже написаны характеристики: ちから (Сила), おかね (Деньги), и けらい (Подданые)
Рядом со словом もちもの (Инвентарь) будут показаны предметы, которые вы носите.
Нажмите А, чтобы появились иконки команд, как показано в верхнем правом углу экрана.
ねんれい - Возраст. Увеличивается на 1, после каждого пройденного в игре года. Мудрость также увеличивается, после каждого прошедшего года в игре.
やしん - Амбициозность. Определяет количество денег, которое потребуется для подкупа персонажей, чтобы склонить их на вашу сторону. Увеличивается на 5, каждый раз когда вы подбираете деньги на земле.
ちから - Сила. Ваши очки здоровья. Если будет ноль - игра закончится. 200 - максимальное количество в игре.
こうせんど - Боевая мощь. Определяет силу вашей атаки во время сражения.
おかね - Деньги. Могут быть использованы, чтобы увеличить Лояльность других персонажей, для привлечения персонажей на вашу сторону, или для покупки еды в магазинах. 200 - максимальное количество.
ちしき - Мудрость. Чем выше, тем быстрее ваши подданые выполнят ваши указания.
けらい - Подданые (слуги). 20 - ваша цель в игре.
ちゅうせいしん - Лояльность. Персонажи с Лояльностью ниже 51 имеют риск покинуть вас.
ぶき - Оружие. Ваш инвентарь.
Если хотите упростить себе игру, то выбирайте персонажа из самураев с высокой Боевой мощью и высокой Амбициозностью, например, такого, как Ишидо (Ishido).
いしどう - "Ishido"
Ishido Kazunari, a character from the novel '''Shogun'''. Based on the samurai Ishida Mitsunari, who (oddly) is represented by his own character in this game as well.
Возраст - 24
Амбициозность - 84
Сила - 69
Боевая мощь - 80
Деньги - 30
Мудрость - 60
Лояльность - 64
Оружие - Katana
とらなが - "Toranaga"
Yoshi Toranaga, a character from the novel '''Shogun'''. Based on Tokugawa Ieyasu, the shogun of Japan starting in 1600.
Возраст - 27
Амбициозность - 87
Сила - 67
Боевая мощь - 74
Деньги - 28
Мудрость - 55
Лояльность - 90
Оружие - Katana
まさむね - "Masamune"
The daimyo Date Masamune.
Возраст - 22
Амбициозность - 83
Сила - 68 Боевая мощь - 77
Деньги - 29
Мудрость - 57
Лояльность - 87
Оружие - Katana
まりこ - "Mariko"
Toda Mariko, a character from the novel "Shogun". Based on Hosokawa Gracia, a female samurai.
Возраст - 21
Амбициозность - 81
Сила - 55
Боевая мощь - 57
Деньги - 19
Мудрость - 60
Лояльность - 73
Оружие - Naginata
あやこ - "Ayako"
Female samurai.
Возраст - 25
Амбициозность - 82
Сила - 56
Боевая мощь - 54
Деньги - 17
Мудрость - 63
Лояльность - 77
Оружие - Naginata
ゆりこ - "Yuriko"
Female samurai.
Возраст - 27
Амбициозность - 80
Сила - 54
Боевая мощь - 61
Деньги - 18
Мудрость - 67
Лояльность - 74
Оружие - Naginata
みつひで - "Mitsuhide"
The samurai Akechi Mitsuhide.
Возраст - 31
Амбициозность - 79
Сила - 60
Боевая мощь - 75
Деньги - 22
Мудрость - 57
Лояльность - 77
Оружие - Wakizashi
ゆきむら - "Yukimura"
The samurai Sanada Yukimura.
Возраст - 33
Амбициозность - 77
Сила - 62
Боевая мощь - 69
Деньги - 24
Мудрость - 50
Лояльность - 70
Оружие - Helmet
けんしん - "Kenshin"
The daimyo Uesugi Kenshin.
Возраст - 36
Амбициозность - 73
Сила - 65
Боевая мощь - 72
Деньги - 23
Мудрость - 54
Лояльность - 82
Оружие - Shield
ひでよし - "Hideyoshi"
The daimyo Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Возраст - 36
Амбициозность - 75
Сила - 65
Боевая мощь - 66
Деньги - 23
Мудрость - 52
Лояльность - 66
Оружие - Armor
しんげん - "Shingen"
The daimyo Takeda Shingen.
Возраст - 28
Амбициозность - 76
Сила - 63
Боевая мощь - 69
Деньги - 27
Мудрость - 51
Лояльность - 64
Оружие - Wakizashi
みつなり - "Mitsunari"
The samurai Ishida Mitsunari.
Возраст - 21
Амбициозность - 71
Сила - 64
Боевая мощь - 67
Деньги - 25
Мудрость - 56
Лояльность - 72
Оружие - Armor
かついえ - "Katsuie"
The samurai Shibata Katsuie.
Возраст - 26
Амбициозность - 69
Сила - 66
Боевая мощь - 63
Деньги - 21
Мудрость - 48
Лояльность - 52
Оружие - Helmet
よしまさ - "Yoshimasa"
The samurai Kiso Yoshimasa.
Возраст - 24
Амбициозность - 78
Сила - 65
Боевая мощь - 73
Деньги - 20
Мудрость - 58
Лояльность - 73
Оружие - Shield
はたさく - "Hatasaku"
Возраст - 29
Амбициозность - 67
Сила - 34
Боевая мощь - 26
Деньги - 4
Мудрость - 32
Лояльность - 30
Оружие - none
ほうさく - "Hosaku"
Возраст - 33
Амбициозность - 63
Сила - 33
Боевая мощь - 28
Деньги - 53
Мудрость - 30
Лояльность - 27
Оружие - none
まんさく - "Mansaku"
Возраст - 32
Амбициозность - 65
Сила - 32
Боевая мощь - 30
Деньги - 6
Мудрость - 34
Лояльность - 25
Оружие - none
はな - "Hana"
Возраст - 17
Амбициозность - 61
Сила - 37
Боевая мощь - 20
Деньги - 1
Мудрость - 28
Лояльность - 15
Оружие - none
とめ - "Tome"
Возраст - 21
Амбициозность - 59
Сила - 38
Боевая мощь - 24
Деньги - 3
Мудрость - 22
Лояльность - 17
Оружие - none
うめ - "Ume"
Возраст - 20
Амбициозность - 57
Сила - 36
Боевая мощь - 22
Деньги - 2
Мудрость - 26
Лояльность - 10
Оружие - none
あんじん - "Anjin"
The British sailor William Adams who shipwrecked in Japan and became a "samurai".
Возраст - 31
Амбициозность - 78
Сила - 50
Боевая мощь - 51
Деньги - 16
Мудрость - 15
Лояльность - 54
Оружие - Letter
かれん - "Karen"
Возраст - 32
Амбициозность - 83
Сила - 52
Боевая мощь - 47
Деньги - 15
Мудрость - 17
Лояльность - 53
Оружие - Letter
けんかい - "Kenkai"
Возраст - 33
Амбициозность - 42
Сила - 48
Боевая мощь - 42
Деньги - 7
Мудрость - 41
Лояльность - 52
Оружие - none
たいせい - "Taisei"
Возраст - 34
Амбициозность - 21
Сила - 62
Боевая мощь - 45
Деньги - 84
Мудрость - 90
Лояльность - 200
Оружие - none
けんしゅ - "Kenshu"
Возраст - 35
Амбициозность - 36
Сила - 49
Боевая мощь - 39
Деньги - 8
Мудрость - 63
Лояльность - 48
Оружие - none
まつぞう - "Matsuzo"
Возраст - 32
Амбициозность - 81
Сила - 69
Боевая мощь - 68
Деньги - 12
Мудрость - 40
Лояльность - 21
Оружие - Helmet
たつぞう - "Tatsuzo"
Возраст - 37
Амбициозность - 84
Сила - 67
Боевая мощь - 66
Деньги - 14
Мудрость - 38
Лояльность - 19
Оружие - Shield
とらぞう - "Torazo"
Возраст - 32
Амбициозность - 87
Сила - 68
Боевая мощь - 62
Деньги - 13
Мудрость - 42
Лояльность - 23
Оружие - Armor
ほっけ - "Hokke"
Возраст - 17
Амбициозность - 65
Сила - 52
Боевая мощь - 55
Деньги - 11
Мудрость - 14
Лояльность - 37
Оружие - none
さんま - "Sanma"
Возраст - 19
Амбициозность - 54
Сила - 53
Боевая мощь - 52
Деньги - 10
Мудрость - 2
Лояльность - 1
Оружие - none
えちごや - "Echigoya"
Возраст - 34
Амбициозность - 66
Сила - 39
Боевая мощь - 38
Деньги - 48
Мудрость - 80
Лояльность - 20
Оружие - none
おおみや - "Omiya"
Возраст - 34
Амбициозность - 70
Сила - 49
Боевая мощь - 41
Деньги - 48
Мудрость - 84
Лояльность - 45
Оружие - none
みかわや - "Mikawaya"
Возраст - 32
Амбициозность - 73
Сила - 51
Боевая мощь - 36
Деньги - 50
Мудрость - 82
Лояльность - 15
Оружие - none
きのくにや - "Kinokuniya"
Возраст - 38
Амбициозность - 65
Сила - 42
Боевая мощь - 34
Деньги - 47
Мудрость - 86
Лояльность - 48
Оружие - none
みのや - "Minoya"
Возраст - 29
Амбициозность - 68
Сила - 40
Боевая мощь - 37
Деньги - 46
Мудрость - 90
Лояльность - 33
Оружие - none
おつる - "Otsuru"
Возраст - 26
Амбициозность - 50
Сила - 43
Боевая мощь - 32
Деньги - 43
Мудрость - 70
Лояльность - 24
Оружие - none
おしん - "Oshin"
Возраст - 27
Амбициозность - 53
Сила - 54
Боевая мощь - 30
Деньги - 23
Мудрость - 68
Лояльность - 11
Оружие - none
おせん - "Osen"
Возраст - 28
Амбициозность - 55
Сила - 47
Боевая мощь - 26
Деньги - 54
Мудрость - 60
Лояльность - 26
Оружие - none
おゆみ - "Oyumi"
Возраст - 29
Амбициозность - 57
Сила - 48
Боевая мощь - 28
Деньги - 30
Мудрость - 64
Лояльность - 38
Оружие - none
おとみ - "Otomi"
Возраст - 30
Амбициозность - 65
Сила - 45
Боевая мощь - 29
Деньги - 47
Мудрость - 66
Лояльность - 45
Оружие - none
Командные опции:
To use a command, press "A". An icon will appear in the upper-right area of the screen. Press Left and Right to change which icon is visible, and press "A" to select the command that the icon represents. An explanation of each command is given below.
If you want to pick something up, cycle to the "Take" icon and press "A". The icon will remain in the upper-right corner of the window, but you can move around. Walk over items while this icon is visible and you will automatically pick them up.
To drop an item, cycle to this icon, then press "A". A yellow cursor will appear under your items. Press Left or Right to change which item is selected, then press "A" to drop it. Press "B" to cancel.
To give one of your servants a command, select this icon and press "A". A new screen will open shown an on screen character and his/her stats. Press Left or Right to toggle between characters, then "A" to select the character. The following command options will appear (press Left and Right to cycle among them):
ひろう - "собирать, набирать (Gather)"
たたかい - "Драться"
はなす - "Говорить"
ごえい - "сопровождение, эскорт (Escort)"
Each command is explained in more detail below.
Gather: You will have to select the type of item you want the servant to gather. The options are: しょくりょう (Food), ぶき (Weapons), おかね (Money). They will wander the map, picking up whatever kind of item you requested. The collected items will go into this character's inventory, not yours.
Fight: Select to give this order to your servant, then you will have to select a character you want them to fight. After choosing a character, your servant will explore the map in pursuit of your requested character and engage them in battle. If your servant wins the battle, the defeated character will become one of your servants.
Speak: Select to give this order to your servant, then you will have to select a character you want them to speak with. They will explore the map until they find your requested character. Then a phrase of dialogue will scroll at the bottom of the black window on the main screen which will be the same text you would see if you spoke to the character yourself.
Escort: Select to give this order to your servant, then you will have to select a character you want to be protected. Your servant will hover around the selected character acting as his/her bodyguard.
If you want to give an item, money, or health to another person that is on the same screen as you, cycle to this icon, then press "A". A new screen will open. Press Left or Right to change which character you want to give something to. The name and picture of the currently selected character are shown toward the upper-right part of the screen, and the stats of that character are shown in the large black space below. Press "A" again when you have selected the character you want to give something to. If the character is one of your servants, it will say so (あなたの けらいです いいですか), and you'll have to press "A" again to reconfirm that you want to give them something.
Next, you'll be asked what you want to give. Press Left and Right to cycle between the following options: もちもの (Item), おかね (Money), or ちから (Health).
Giving health or items to a character will simply improve their stats in the same way that they would your own character. This is useful if the character you are giving to is one of your servants who you want to make stronger.
Giving money to a character will increase their Loyalty (ちゅうせいしん) stat. It will increase by one point for every 8 gold donated. So if you donate 24 gold, their Loyalty improves by 3. Any remainder is wasted. For example, donating 26 gold will increase their Loyalty by 3 just the same as donating 24 gold, so 2 gold is wasted.
To attack a character, select this icon and press "A". A new window will open showing a character that is on the same screen as you and his/her stats. Press Left or Right to change to a different character to attack, then press "A" to select them. You can attack any character on the screen no matter how far away they are. You can also attack characters that are your Servants (けらい), but you'll have to press "A" an extra time to confirm that you really want to do this.
Battles are completely computer controlled. You just watch the two characters ram each other over and over. Your Strength (ちから) will slowly drain. But if your opponent has less defence and attack power, their Strength will probably be draining a lot faster although you can't see their stats. Press "B" at any time to run away from the battle.
You will lose the battle and get a game over if your Strength drains to zero. However, you will defeat the opponent by draining their Strength to around 20 or so. Often, the defeated opponent will become one of your Servants. But if he/she does not, then usually more battles won't have any other effect.
If you defeat an opponent who has his/her own Servants, then their Servants will become yours.
Sometimes, the opponent will run away. If you manage to defeat the opponent, you will gain all of their money and items. If you can't hold their items (because you don't have room in your inventory), their items will be lying on the ground instead.
Cycle to this symbol and press "A" to see a map of the game. There are also two menu options: ひと (People) and ちいき (Region).
Select ひと to see your character's stats and his/her current location, represented by the gem-like symbol on the map. Press Left or Right to view the stats and locations of the other characters.
Select ちいき to move a cursor around the map. For each square you stop upon, you will be shown the number of each kind of item at that location and any characters that are there.
Cycle to this icon and press "A". You will be asked if you want to save your game. Press "A" again to confirm and your game will be saved. It takes some time.
Cycle to this icon and press "A". A new window will open showing a character that's on the same screen as you and their stats. Press Left or Right to cycle between the on screen characters. Press "A" to speak to the selected character. You will simply see a one sentence phrase at the top of the screen, which is the character speaking to you. Often, they will give hints as to what they like.
Геймплей прерывается периодически человеком, бьющим в барабан рядом с символом. Символ выдает информацию о событии.
Примеры событий:
ほうさくだ - Обильный урожай
いっきだ - Восстание
こうずいだ - Наводнение
おおゆきだ - Снегопад
Эти события влекут за собой изменение характеристик персонажей в игре. Может понизиться Лояльность всех персонажей и т.д.
Some buildings you can enter are stores. They will have three items to choose from and a price indicated below. Press Left or Right to move a cursor around (it looks like money) to choose which option you want to buy, then press "A" to purchase it. No matter which one you choose, the effect will be that it will heal your Strength (ちから) by an amount equal to the cost. For example, spend 20 gold and your Strength will be healed by 20.
You can hold a total of six items at one time.
Weapons boost your Battle Power (こうせんど) stat simply by possessing them, meaning you don't have to equip them. Possession of multiple weapons will each boost your Battle Power, so you can have six swords to boost your Battle Power like crazy, for example.
かたな - КАТАНА
Battle Power +19
Battle Power +10
Battle Power +8
Armor increases your defense, but this is not indicated by any stat displayed on your status menu.
よろい - БРОНЯ
かぶと - ШЛЕМ
たて - ЩИТ
Food items will be automatically used when picked up. They restore your Strength (ちから).
Сила +4
さかな - РЫБА
Сила +7
さけ - САКЭ
Сила +8
おこめ - РИС
Сила +11
おかね - ДЕНЬГИ
Pick this up to receive 9 gold and a 5 Ambition stat increase.
てがた - ПИСЬМО
Allows you to pass through gates that connect certain areas of the map. Also gives Wisdom (ちしき) +10
きょうもん - СУТРА
Wisdom +20
まきもの - СВИТОК
Собери 3 манускрипта, чтобы стать Сегуном
Here is the map as seen in-game when you select the View command. The differently colored areas are usually connected by a gate that you need a Letter (てがた) in your inventory to pass. Of special note are the three castles, which look like a square inside a square on the map above. One is in the center of the map, and the other two are on the upper-right and lower-right areas of the map. These castles are of special importance for the end of the game, but you can only enter them if the castle rulers are your servants. The castle rulers are Ishido, Toranaga, and Masamune.
Another special location is at the top-middle of the yellow section, when your can find some Sutras (きょうもん). They're not super important, but it's the only place you can find them, so worthy of note in case you want some.
To beat the game, you need to assemble 20 Servants (けらい), a number which is always shown in the top window of the main screen. After you reach this number, a screen of text will appear telling you that three scrolls are hidden somewhere. Gather the three scrolls and you will beat the game.
Improving Stats
Before working hard on getting Servants, you need to get items, money, and health to prepare yourself. Wander around the map and look for weapons. Katanas (かたな) are the superior weapon, so get two if you can. Use the View command and the ちいき (Areas) option to see where a Katana is located. Defensive equipment is also important. Get two or three of the defensive items: たて (Shield), よろい (Armor), and かぶと (Helmet). You can find a lot of this equipment in the castles, although you can only enter if you are a high ranking person. You might also have started with a useful item.
Get a Letter (てがた) so you can move freely through the gates in the game.
As you wander the map looking for items, also keep an eye out for food and money, which you will need to boost. When you have some weapons and armor, you can start attacking other characters to get their money. Save your game before attacking characters with high Battle Power (こうせんど) and armor, at least until you're familiar with the game. Sometimes, defeating characters will cause them to become your Servants. Other characters won't even fight you.
When you've gathered a good amount of the equipment mentioned above, you can start setting your sights on recruiting characters, as described in the next section.
Recruiting Characters: General
The main goal is to recruit 20 Servants (けらい). Since there are 40 characters, this amounts to recruiting half of the characters in the game. The method needed to recruit a character varies from character to character. It also depends on your own character's stats.
The easiest way to recruit a character is to defeat them in battle. Most of the samurai class characters will succumb to your side if you simply defeat them. But some characters won't fight you ordinarily. Often, you can give those characters a weapon (or two or three), and then they will fight you. Defeat them like normal to recruit them.
There are a lot of characters that will only join your side if you give them a lot of money. Sometimes you have to give them a lot at one time. Other times, you have to give them a lot of money multiple times. The amount you need to give will depend on your character's Ambition (やしん) stat. This is not a problem if you can fight the character. Because you can give them a lot of money, and then attack them to get it back. Repeat giving them money and fighting them until they finally join you. Attack them one final time to get your money back again (even though they are your Servant, it is ok to attack them).
Many of the women characters will only join you if you give them a Naginata (なぎなた). One character will only join if you give him a Sutra (きょうもん).
If a character's Loyalty (ちゅうせいしん) stat is below 51, they will certainly leave your service after a little time has passed. So it's important to boost their Loyalty stat if you hope to keep them in your service. This is done by giving them money. Their Loyalty increases by 1 point for every 8 gold you give. When using your money to boost Loyalty, make sure you are doing it to a character that you can fight so you can get your money back.
Recruited characters might also get defeated in battle, causing them to enter the service of another character. To help prevent this, focus on recruiting all of the samurai/daimyo characters so that they won't be attacking your Servants.
You can give your stronger Servants weapons and armor, give them a good chunk of Strength (ちから), and then give them the command to go fight characters. In this way, they will do some of the recruiting for you when they win battles. They will also randomly attack characters without needing you to give a command, so there is some benefit to preparing some characters for fighting.
If you want to boost a character's Loyalty and that character will fight you in battle, then you can give them all of your money, then defeat them in battle to get your money back. Do this repeatedly to get their Loyalty to 51 or more, but getting your money back by attacking. Once again, you can even attack your own Servants to get money back from them, which I highly recommend you do!
Recruiting Characters: Specific
The information described above gives you a general idea of the tactics to keep in mind while playing this game. For specific tactics required to recruit characters, consult the information in this section. These were the strategies I found worked when I played as Ishido. Playing as Masamune seemed similar, but playing as Ume (I wanted to play as the crappiest character) seemed to make a difference. Probably because she has a low Ambition stat, which means she needs to give more money or items to get the same reaction that Ishido would get with fewer resources. In any case, consider the tactics provided below to be an approximate guide that might need minor revisions for your own game. At least it will give you an idea of what kinds of actions can be effective in recruiting characters. You only need to recruit 20 characters, so stick with the characters you find to be easiest.
いしどう - Ishido: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
とらなが - Toranaga: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
まさむね - Masamune: Runs from battle if he doesn't have any Servants. If he has a Servant, he will fight to the end, so wait until then. Defeat him to get him to join you.
まりこ - Mariko: Normally she will not fight you. But give her a Katana AND a Wakizashi, and then she will fight you. Defeat her to get her to join you.
あやこ - Ayako: Normally, she won't fight you. Give her a Naginata, then she will fight. Defeat her to get her to join you.
ゆりこ - Yuriko: Defeat in battle. If she won't fight you, give her some weapons.
みつひで - Mitsuhide: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
ゆきむら - Yukimura: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
けんしん - Kenshin: Normally he will not fight you. Give him a sword and he will then fight you. However, if he doesn't have any Servants, he will run away. If he has a Servant, he will fight to the end, so wait until then. Defeat him to get him to join you.
ひでよし - Hideyoshi: Give him large sums of money multiple times to get him to join you. You can fight him, so defeat him after giving him money to get your money back each time.
しんげん - Shingen: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
みつなり - Mitsunari: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana AND a Wakizashi, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
かついえ - Katsuie: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
よしまさ - Yoshimasa: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
はたさく - Hatasaku: Give him a large sum of money to get him to join you.
ほうさく - Hosaku: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
まんさく - "Mansaku: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
はな - Hana: Give her large sums of money multiple times to have her join you. Normally she will not fight you. But give her TWO Katanas and she will. Do so and fight to get your money back.
とめ - Tome: Normally she will not fight you. But give her TWO Katanas AND a Wakizashi, and then she will fight you. Defeat her to get her to join you.
うめ - Ume: Normally she will not fight you. But give her TWO Katanas, and then she will fight you. Defeat her to get her to join you.
あんじん - Anjin: You can fight him, but he won't join you if you defeat him. Give him large sums of money a few times to get him to join you. Then attack him to get your money back.
かれん - Karen: She won't fight you at first. But give her a Naginata and then she will fight you. Defeat her and she will join you.
けんかい - Kenkai: Give him a large sum of money to get him to join you. Normally he won't fight you, but if you give him a sword he will. However, he will run from the battle, so you can't win and get your money back. So overall, best to ignore him and recruit someone else.
たいせい - Taisei: Give him a Sutra and he will join you.
けんしゅ - Kenshu: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
まつぞう - Matsuzo: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
たつぞう - Tatsuzo: Defeat in battle and he will join, but only if he is someone else's Servant first.
とらぞう - Torazo: He won't fight you at first. But give him a Katana and then you can fight him and defeat him to get him to join you.
ほっけ - Hokke: Defeat in battle. If he won't fight you, give him some weapons.
さんま - Sanma: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
えちごや - Echigoya: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
おおみや - Omiya: You can fight him, but he won't join you if you defeat him. Give him large sums of money a few times to get him to join you. Then attack him to get your money back.
みかわや - Mikawaya: Give him large sums of money multiple times to have him join you. Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana and he will. Do so and fight to get your money back.
きのくにや - "Kinokuniya: Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana, and then he will fight you. Defeat him to get him to join you.
みのや - Minoya: Give him money to have him join you. Normally he will not fight you. But give him a Katana and he will. Do so and fight to get your money back.
おつる - Otsuru: Normally she will not fight you. But give her a Katana, and then she will fight you. Defeat her to get her to join you.
おしん - Oshin: Give her a Naginata.
おせん - Osen: Give her a Naginata.
おゆみ - Oyumi: Give her a large sum of money to have her join you. Normally she will not fight you. But give her a Katana AND a Wakizashi and she will. Do so and fight to get your money back.
おとみ - Otomi: Normally she will not fight you. But give her a Katana AND a Wakizashi, and then she will fight you. Defeat her to get her to join you.
Assembling the Scrolls
After getting 20 Servants, a black screen full of text will inform you of your accomplishment and your need to collect 3 scrolls which have now appeared. The scrolls are located in the three castles. In order to enter a castle, you must have that castle's owner as one of your servants. The castle rulers are Ishido, Toranaga, and Masamune (**Thanks to GForce645 for helping figure this out!**). You have one year of game time to find these scrolls. If you do not, it will be an automatic game over. So save your game just in case you get delayed for some reason, although one year is plenty of time to walk to the castles, so relax.
By the way, if you lose any Servants at this point, it won't matter. You don't have to maintain the 20 Servant number.
In each castle, go up to the top floor, then walk upward to the top of the screen to scroll up to another screen. There, you will see a Scroll (まきもの), which you can pick up in the usual way. It takes a space in your inventory, so drop something you won't need (you won't be doing any fighting anymore, so drop your armor or something).
Repeat at all three castles and upon grabbing the third scroll, the game will end and you will have won!